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Sunday, 28 February 2016

CRU: Retired as Mod/Admin, Been a tough decision for personal reasons

data will be transcriptied here in memory of the past scientific en devours [quote="HyperReal" post=161474][quote="HyperReal" post=161474][center][center]Synthetic Cannabinoids: Awarness[/center][/center] [center][u]cannabimimetic agents [/u][/center] This is a work in progress---------------------- [b][i][u]Warnings:[/u][/i][/b] [url=https://www.chemsrus.com/forum/10-cannabinoids/67180-please-do-not-iv-cannabinoids]I.V. Canabinoids WARNING!![/url] [url=http://dosemakespoison.blogspot.com/]Dose Makes Poison[/url] [b][i][u]What are synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists and how do they work in the body?[/u][/i][/b] Synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists (also called SCRAs or synthetic cannabinoids) are laboratory developed chemicals that bind to the cannabinoid receptors 1 and 2 (CB1 and CB2) in the body. CB1 receptors are primarily located in the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) and are responsible for mediating the psychoactive effects of cannabis. The CB2 receptors are primarily located in the peripheral nervous system, as well as the spleen and immune system, and are thought to be involved in pain perception mediation and immunosuppression. While delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the primary psychoactive component found in marijuana, is a partial agonist of both the CB1 and CB2 receptors, SCRAs are considered to act as full agonists of the same receptors. [b][u]Blends: Spice, K2, Herbal incense[/u][/b] Structures of most common psychoactive ingredients of Spice products: synthetic cannabinoids, μ-opioid agonists (O-Desmethyltramadol), fatty acid derivatives with cannabinoid-like activity (Oleamide), tryptamines, Benzodiazepines, thienodiazepines and Diphenidine[a dissociative anesthetic]. This basically means that you thought you where smoking legal pot but in fact your smoking a legal blend of varying compounds with differing actions. Most of these store bought blends[internet, gas stations or head-shops] are not consumed by the manufacturers for this very reason. I would like to put my own thoughts in here also as to why they would add such ingredients to their blends. MONEY! the benzo/theino and opiods are for the "hook" or addiction, they do also add to the effects obviously but IMO that's not why they are there. They make these blends specifically to hook YOU as users to their "brand" deception at it's finest! Tryptamines and disso's are added to get you "tripping balls" from a few hits, hence why there was so many people rushed through the E.R. system when the streets where full of spice bags! You also have to consider the mechanisms of the "substrate" that is used in synthetic blends. Most of them are chosen for their active properties and side effects. Like Passion flower as an MAOI as an example. Don't get me wrong synthetic cannabinoids are dangerous on their own BUT these cocktails are way worse than anything we have ever seen on the streets in the past. I also just wanted to add that blend manufactures do not have to add other drugs to spice to make it addicting. some of these synthetic cannabinoids have horrible withdrawal symptoms by themselves that could be compared to opioids, sweats, chills, dehydration, vomiting, nausea and seizures. [b][i][u]Duration :- Peak Levels And Half Life Of JWH[/u][/i][/b] effects begin 5-10 min after smoking its compounds and can result in anxiety, intense paranoia and even hallucinations. Synthetic cannabinoids are functionally similar to (although structurally distinct from) delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive principle of cannabis. So the ingredients in Spice work by binding to cannabinoid receptors in the brain and peripheral organs, resulting in clinical symptoms both typical and atypical of marijuana use. Cannabinoids found in Spice are pharmacologically similar to THC and mimic its effects …but are many to ten times more potent than THC. When inhaled, Spice products are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream. Peak levels of synthetic cannabinoids are achieved relatively quickly, within 10-45 minutes. Duration of effect varies by type of cannabinoid in a Spice mixture. However, both half life and duration of effect of synthetic cannabinoids tend to be longer than THC. The half life of compounds found in Spice is somewhat longer than THC (3-4 days), which is what causes increased duration of effects in users. But the half life of the drugs vary by type of cannabinoids, user, dosage and frequency of use. It is stated that JWH018 decreases it potency after administration by 80% over 1 hour so a half life would be what 35mins?? The detectable metabolites however remain in the system for days! [b][u]Activity :- Cb1 and Cb2 receptors[/u][/b] Like the active ingredient in marijuana, THC, synthetic cannabinoids bind to the CB1 and CB2 receptors. But when they bind, it acts as a full agonist, rather than a partial agonist, meaning that it can activate a CB1 and or CB2 receptors on a brain cell with maximum efficacy, rather than only partially, as with THC. [b][i]“The first rule of toxicology is, the dose makes the poison,”[/i][/b] [b][i][u]Toxicology in vtiro[/u][/i][/b] How are these substances or products consumed? The plant material products can be rolled up in a cigarette or joint and smoked like tobacco or marijuana. The chemical powder can also be smoked. SCRAs are also available in liquid form for vaping via electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes). What are some commonly reported effects of these substances? Common cognitive and psychomotor effects attributed to SCRAs include poor coordination, instability, slowed movements, sedation, sway, balance issues, slowed or slurred speech, agitation, irritability, delusions, paranoia, hallucinations, and psychosis. Other adverse effects that have been observed include nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, hypertension, hyperthermia, and acute kidney injury. Several fatalities have occurred after use of these substances. As with any drug, effects seem to be very dose-dependent. Lower doses will elicit the more common effects while larger doses or repeated dosing will lead to the more exaggerated adverse effects. What are a forensic toxicologist’s thoughts on SCRAs? In the laboratory, we’ve been dealing with synthetic cannabinoids for approximately the last 6 years. In 2009-2010, there were only 1-2 synthetic cannabinoids detected in casework. Via different forces on the market (in my opinion, not the only factor, but primarily legislation) the market exploded in sheer number of compounds and continues to change with the ever-evolving controlled substance laws. The USA has legislated itself into a public health nightmare. By continually outlawing substances, we have allowed compounds with completely unknown pharmacological and toxicological profile to find their way to the grey-market. We are only seeing the beginnings of this nightmare through mass hospitalizations and outbreaks of illnesses (and a noted increase in phone calls to poison centers) after use of synthetic cannabinoid-containing products. The vast majority of people using these substances and products are consuming substances of unknown identity with unknown pharmacological and toxicological profiles in unknown combinations at unknown dosages. This is reckless behavior. This is dangerous behavior. It will result in serious adverse health effects for the individual. The chemical diversity in structure of these compounds is amazing. Take a bit of substance A and mix it with this bit from substance B and add it all together with this group from substance C. Voila! We have new alphabet soup synthetic cannabinoid compound D! I’ve coined the phrase “diverse chemical grab bag o’ death” to describe these substances. We know very little of the true acute effects of individual synthetic cannabinoids. We know nothing of the long-term or chronic effects of synthetic cannabinoid use (and we will not for quite some time). We do not know if they act on other receptors or mediate other effects downstream. It is thought that they do not, but who knows. And therein is the important part of this - we know nothing about these compounds. Nothing. And that is what makes them dangerous. [quote="Yasmin Hurd; PhD, Professor of Psychiatry, Pharmacology and Systems Therapeutics, and Neuroscience at Mount Sinai Medical Center"] The wide distribution of CB1 receptors in the brain is exactly why they’re so toxic. “Where they’re located is important – their presence in the hippocampus would be behind their memory effects; their presence in seizure initiation areas in the temporal cortex is why they lead to seizures. And in the prefrontal cortex, this is probably why you see stronger psychosis with synthetic cannabinoids.” The cardiac, respiratory, and gastrointestinal effects probably come from the CB1 receptors in the brain stem. It might be any one of these that produces the greatest risk of death.[/quote] [b][i][u] Toxicity in the brain, liver and kidney[/u][/i][/b] There is also the aspect of the natural systems of our brains not being able to de-activate some of the synthetic cannabinoids metabolites. This can also lead to the overall toxicity of these substances. Also the unkown interactions with everyday foods or medications. [b][i]cannabimimetic agents and their NSAID effects and interactions : [/i][/b] [quote="niflheim"]It is plausible that synthetic cannabinoids and commonly prescribed 5-HT3 antagonists share some of their effect profiles with an overlap in potential dangers and interactions. In addition to the possibilities of NSAID-like interactions mentioned previously, long-term and heavy use of synthetic cannabinoids may cause significant 5-HT3 antagonism resulting in a withdrawal syndrome involving rebound symptoms including vomiting and diarrhoea. There is a known risk of long QT syndrome associated with 5-HT3 antagonists, which can lead to tachycardia and sudden death, and this may also be a risk with synthetic cannabinoids which may be mitigated (though not eliminated) by avoiding combinations with other drugs (prescribed or otherwise) that also have this effect, and avoiding use when electrolyte imbalances are likely. Another danger is serotonin syndrome and similar avoidance tactics are likely to be prudent. There are also likely to be further complications due to the broader effects profile of the synthetic cannabinoids, and at least one 5-HT3 antagonist has been associated with severe, occasionally fatal gastrointestinal disease. Users of synthetic cannabinoids should not assume that the effects or safety profile of the drug can be purely attributed to the difference between partial and full cannabinoid receptor agonism.[/quote] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6pmc7Tpx4w [i]*update revision v1.2[/i] [size=6]Synthetic Cannabinoids are not LEGAL POT!!![/size][/quote][/quote]

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